So I am going to do a little back tracking because it has been awhile since I updated. I have currently left the Elementary school I worked for and am now working at the Gyeongbuk Educational Institute with 7 other foreigners. I am teaching students online and though it has its challenges, I truly feel blessed to have this opportunity. The program that we work for is brand new and from what I can tell it is kind of a big deal in our city. One of the other teachers I work with was actually recorded and broadcasted on television in Korea. I have my own little office so that is nice, plus I get to work with a good bunch of people. Andong has been very good for me and even though it is tough being away from home I am very thankful for my life here. I have heard some horror stories from other teachers about being stuck in bad situations. So I am happy that I am not placed in one of those.
This last Wednesday was my birthday and I went out with my co-workers and we sang was a lot of fun. My co-teacher from English camp (Jin Suk) went out with us, and we had a great time!! I love her, she is probably one of my best Korean friends and she has been super helpful to me since I moved here.
Tonight was new years and we all went out for drinks and to the local "booking club" where apparently if there is a table full of guys they bring you a girl! Interesting....But anyway I don't go there for any of that , I just enjoy going and dancing with friends and having a good time. For the rest of the weekend I plan on lying low....reading, cleaning, and talking to people from home. Sunday, I plan on going to church next door to my house. I believe that Pastor Kim is having a birthday party for cute is that? I am really happy that I started going there, especially because it feels great to be surrounded by wonderful and welcoming people. I have been spending time with the girls who invited me there in the first place, one is my student from Bokju and the other is my landlords daughter, last weekend we went shopping downtown after church and got ice cream. I loved it~
I am excited for this new year and have a lot to look forward to...China in February, Hawaii in March, hopefully Thailand in the summer. I can't wait!!!! After all the great times and the hardships that 2010 has brought, I am looking forward to a new year. I am so happy with the way my life is going especially spiritually, I really see God working in my life and am so thankful for that. I hope that this year brings peace to the issues that are going on back at home in the states and that my family can feel the peace that I am experiencing myself. Happy New Year EVERYONE~~ I pray that its a good one :)