Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Love 3rd Graders! October 13, 2010

So it was my first day teaching 3rd grade. I had four  classes today and have 3 classes tomorrow. I teach by myself because the homeroom teachers do not speak English (those same teachers were actually teaching them English before I came around, tell me how that works?). So my day started off on a very wrong foot, I walked to a shop to get coffee and they were only selling bakery items, no coffee so I had to start my day with no coffee :( If you know me, you know how unacceptable that is to me. After getting to school I had so many computer problems. Each classroom has different versions of programs so it is very frustrating. For the most part the day went very well though. The kids had fun, so thats all that matters. They love looking at pictures of my family and friends. Also they like taking pictures of me…it cracks me up. I think that this is going to be a very rewarding experience, especially after I straighten out all the little issues.
There is a surfing festival coming up I think on August 22 and 23. I am hoping to go to it, if I can get some people to go with me. I think it is pretty far away so we will see.

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